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Myths About Adoption

10 Adoption Myth Busters

Myth #1:

I’m too old to adopt

Adopters need to be age 21 and above but there is no upper age limit. People of all ages can and do successfully adopt. We will require that you are in good health and vitality to be able to support your child into adulthood.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #1

Myth #2:

I can’t adopt because I’m LGBTQIA+

Being LGBTQIA+ is not a factor in your right to adopt. You are able to adopt if you are a same sex couple, or single of any sexual orientation or gender identity. We are interested in what you have to offer a child who needs adoption.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #2

Myth #3:

I’m not allowed to adopt because I’m single, or living with someone but not married

Single people of any gender or sexual orientation can adopt on their own. We welcome applications from all people regardless of their relationship status.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #3

Myth #4:

I already have birth children, so I won’t be allowed to adopt

Many people successfully parent both birth and adoptive children together. Having children of your own will not necessarily stop you from adopting, though age gap between your birth children and potential adoptive child/children will be considered.

We will closely work with you and your family to make sure that the needs and expectations of all the children involved are acknowledged.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #4

Myth #5:

I work full time, so I won’t be able to be considered for adoption

We encourage prospective adopters to have a period of leave or take time off from work to help your new child feel settled in their new family.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #5

Myth #6:

I can’t adopt because I’m disabled

Being disabled does not automatically mean that you cannot be an adoptive parent. People with disabilities are recognised with having specific understanding and experience in providing a loving home. The adoption assessment will consider your disability and health needs in relation to adopting, so please talk to us before ruling yourself out.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #6

Myth #7:

I won’t be allowed to adopt because I can’t have my own children or I’ve had fertility treatment

Ideally, you should have finished your last cycle of fertility treatment, and we ask that you have left a gap of at least six months before considering the adoption process. However, if you are currently undergoing or have just very recently finished treatment and would like an informal chat, we would be happy to talk to you.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #7

Myth #8:

I’m renting and don’t own my own home, thus I’m not eligible to adopt

You don’t need to be a homeowner to be an adoptive parent. You can be considered and are eligible for adoption as long as you have a stable rental agreement. It is though expected for you to have a spare bedroom in order for your new child to have a space of their own.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #8

Myth #9:

I can’t adopt a child from a different ethnic background / I can’t adopt because I follow a certain faith or religion

Adopters can be from a different ethnic background, and of any or no religious faith. Children who are waiting for adoption also come from many different backgrounds, religions, and cultures, and we welcome a wide range of people from all walks of life who can offer a loving home.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #9

Myth #10:

We won’t have any say in the process and a child will be ‘allocated to us’

Your involvement in the adoption process of finding the right child is important. We will work with you to have a successful adoption journey and ensure the best possible outcome for you, the adoptive child and your family.

Myths About Adoption - Myth #10

If you think you could become a parent to a child or siblings who needs a family, enquire and contact us - we are happy to answer any questions you may have!