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A web cookie is a small file which contains information stored on your computer by a website you visit. It acts as your identification card, and often stores your settings for the website, which can be used for authentication, identification of a user session, shopping basket content or user's preferences such as text size, language or location. When you return to the site, your browser sends back the cookie that belongs to the site. This allows the website to present you with information customised to fit your needs.

The following cookies are used to improve your experience using our website.

Alert: We have recently updated our cookie controls, and are testing 'google consent mode (beta)' with denying storage of cookies and ads tracking as our default. During December 2021 and Jan 2022, cookies may differ slightly to those below, and we will update this page by end of Jan 2022 with our new cookie details. (We aim to reduce the need for cookies, rather than ask you to opt into them).

You may see a 'ga_' cookie (1st party). The page views and clicks, collected is aggregated and anonymous and is not tracking you across multiple websites.

Cookies set or used by web controls

There are a number of standard web controls that use cookies in order to remember user selections.

Cookies set or used by Contensis authentication

Contensis is our website provider and the following cookies are set if you login to a Contensis site

Session cookies used by the published site

Session cookies are used for remembering user selections during their visit to your site. A typical scenario may be to remember information entered in a form when navigating to different pages.

Google analytics

This information is used to improve the user experience on the website.

Cookie name Expires Information
CookieControl (Necessary cookie) 2 months Aims to prevent cookies from being placed on a user's computer until they have given their explicit consent
_ga 2 years

Used to collect information about how you use our website. The information includes number of visitors, pages visited and time spent on the website. The information is collected is aggregated and anonymous

_gat_gtag 1 minute Used to collect information about how you use our website. The information includes number of visitors, pages visited and time spent on the website. The information is collected is aggregated and anonymous


24 hours Used to collect information about how you use our website. The information includes number of visitors, pages visited and time spent on the website. The information is collected is aggregated and anonymous
_utma 2 years Randomly generated number
_utmb 30 minutes Randomly generated number
_utmc When the user exits the browser Randomly generated number
_utmz 6 months Randomly generated number, plus information on how the site was reached (for example, directly, via a link or through organic search)

Your privacy

Cookies can store a wide range of information, including personally identifiable information such as your user name or email address. For that reason, the European Union has issued an ePrivacy Directive (2002/58/EC), which regulates the use of cookies and storing personally identifiable information.

Our use of cookies doesn't give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.